Indecision, unforgiveness, doubt, procrastination, and even friends are some of the things that can keep you from moving at the speed you hoped to when you first started out , working on your goals. here are 50 things you can begin to do today to simplify your life and get going faster. Not all at the same time of course, but go through the list and find what works for you and get going on the path to a simple and more productive life.

1. Be content with what you have
2. Do one thing at a time
3. Keep God first
4. Don't worry about tomorrow
5. Live the past behind
6. Be yourself
7. Learn to say no
8. Don't start what you can't finish
9. Don't make mountains out of molehills
10. Stop procrastinating
11. Clear out the clutter
12. Avoid excuses
13. Stay out of debt
14. Establish boundaries
15. Know yourself
16. Regularly reev gymingaluate commitments
17. Define personal priorities
18. Choose your battles
19. Be quick to forgive
20. Mind your business
21. Don't be judgmental. Make excuses for people
22. Think before you speak
23. Don't receive condemnation
24. Refuse to live in fear
25. Be positive
26. Have simple friends
27. Find the most efficient way to do things
28. Be thankful
29. Count the cost before you commit
30. Don't overestimate yourself
31. Plan ahead
32. Buy some time (delegate authority )
33. Organize
34. Don't have a false sense of responsibility
35. Be willing to adapt
36. Be realistic in your expectations
37. Progress is made one step at a time
38. Cultivate solitude
39. Keep your conscience clear
40. Bridle your tongue
41. Avoid scenes of temptation
42. Avoid people who talk too much
43. Be generous
44. Beware of distractions
45. Don't be too hard on yourself
46. It's never too late to start again
47. Be always hopeful
48. Be faithful
49. Be humble. With humility comes peace and power
50. Be Disciplined
see you at the top !